Just trying to go throuh life without looking too stupid; its not working out so well. I am still trying to figure this blog thing out. It feels weird asking people to read my thoughts. Then again, it feels weird going through all this trouble just to post them...

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

What am I thankful for...

We have had a great time in the youth group.
This past Sunday we studied "Gratitude and Grace". I am aware that each one of these could easily provide a month's worth of curriculum, but youth tend to get bored.
I asked several questions to the youth group:
"What is the coolest gift you ever received?"
"Have you ever realized how good something was once it was taken from you?"
"What are you grateful for?"
I mentioned how I was grateful for carpet upon my return from a mission trip to Honduras in the summer of 1998.
Now I am grateful for my ring finger on my right hand. No, I didn't lose it; I broke it.
This has been an interesting month.
A guy hit a line shot to the outfield, I was sure it would fall.
It kept screaming towards me in the air, I realized I had a shot to make a play and catch it. I reverted back to fundamentals using two hands to catch the ball. By the time I was in the path of the ball, I realized the ball wasn't spinning, giving it a knuckling effect. I made the catch but misjudged the ball, and the ball smashed into my throwing hand then into my glove.
So, I am thankful for my ring finger of my right hand. It has already taken my an hour to type this out, and my video game career is put on hold.

At least until Tuesday...


Blogger AAAA said...

"...and my video game career is put on hold"
Poor poor Matt. How will you ever survive? I just want to say I am thankfull for you and everything you have done, what your doing, and anything you will do in the future in my life and everyone in the youth group. Your are truely one of the coolest people on the face on this planet and I'm glad God put you in my life.

7:16 PM

Blogger Carolyn said...

Did you really break your finger?

10:18 PM

Blogger Matt McBryde said...

I am pretty sure I did.
Too lazy to go to the doctor to have it looked at. Plus, he would just put it in a splint, so we went a got a couple.
All of the FirstAid and CPR stuff adds up to a break. Not a third-degree where it broke the skin or is all displaced...
By the way, did I ever tell you ...
I'm kidding, I love ya!

2:53 PM

Blogger AAAA said...

you need to update your blog more. I know you use your xanga alot more but I love the way you write on here. It seems like you put more time into your "work" here then you do on xanga. Your words seem to be more powerful and more like a story on here

3:54 PM


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