Just trying to go throuh life without looking too stupid; its not working out so well. I am still trying to figure this blog thing out. It feels weird asking people to read my thoughts. Then again, it feels weird going through all this trouble just to post them...

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

'Tis the Season to be Sorry

Ahhh I love the holidays.

The mall madness, the schedule-juggling...the offending.
I think the only PC should be a computer. Politically Correct is a sorry phrase made up by a sorry person for a sorry reason. First of all it is an oxymoron; I've never known a correct political anything! So far, our political correctness has changed mascots, taken God out of our pledge and Christ out of Christmas. Last time I checked, we still had a high unemployment rate, crime rate is up, Meth is running wild, and don't get me started on the Cowboys...
This is kinda like the senator that decided to take up the cause of Terrell Owens. Of all the things to be concerned about, he decides to spend his time on something EVERYBODY wishes would just go away and NOBODY cares about!
This is what really jerks my chain. Not because I have the deep loyalty to Christmas, but because of the situation.
Follow me on this...

1.) Non-Christians (PC"ians"), want to take the word "Christmas" out of the the western hemisphere because it is Christianity forcing their beliefs on those that don't wish to hear them. Instead of "Merry Christmas" which has been around as long as Earth, it is supposed to become "Happy Holidays." What if someone doesn't want to have a happy holiday season?!?! Wouldn't that be forcing your wishes on someone as well?? This way of thinking is flawed...

2.) Christians have been against the whole Christmas season because many feel it has become a commercialized industry that has nothing to do with Christ anymore. Hence the cheesy "Reason for the Season" lights and letterheads. I know Christian families that don't even celebrate Christmas. I don't care either way, I tend to lean towards tradition - I mean come on, I am Church of Christ...

So the industry wants to get rid of Christmas because it is religious, and the religious want to get rid of Christmas because of the industry. This sounds like one of those parent/teen relationships I have the pleasure of dealing with.
"I just don't understand why they [fill in the blank]!" - Parent
"They just don't understand [fill in the blank]!" - Teen
Part of me wants to just grab them by the collar, shake them around a bit and say...
"Sit down and quit talking!
This is not a big problem in the long run!
Quit being stupid!"

I think I've got it all figured out...
Sources tell me that Christmas is run by the Mob...



Blogger Joel said...

Of course it is run by the mob...

St. Nick was named after cousin Nicky.

Rudolph was named after cousin Rudy.

Keeping tabs on people, getting a bunch of little people to work for you, breaking and entering...

Hello? Sounds like the mob to me.

11:14 AM

Blogger Brooke said...

I agree with you. I don't want people to think I'm not supporting Christmas if I say Happy Holidays instead. I disagree with everything that is "PC."

10:27 PM


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